GFOA Advisories
GFOA Advisories identify specific policies and procedures necessary to minimize a government’s exposure to potential loss in connection with its financial management activities.
Accounting and Financial Reporting for Fiduciary Activities
Begin discussions, identify all potential fiduciary activities, identify types of fiduciary funds, determine when to recognize a fiduciary fund liability, and apply the Standard retroactively and prepare the disclosures.
Accounting for Leases
Identify, locate, review, assess, and communicate various aspects relevant to agreements, leases, and contracts.
Offering Statements and the Independent Auditor's Role
The government should feel free to use audited financial statements as appropriate, should not permit auditors to create an artificial "involvement", take steps to avoid unwarranted delays and costs, and clarify publishing permission within audit contract
Securities Lending Transactions in Financial Statements
Assets, liabilities, income and expenses related to securities lending transactions should be reported in the financial statements in the manner that best reflects the true nature of these transactions, consistent with the provisions of GASB Statement No. 28.
Special Revenue Funds Used for Budgeting, but Not Financial Reporting
Governments should maintain separate information on each legally mandated special revenue system and provide schedules for each legally mandated special revenue fund.