Bruce H. Fisher
Member, Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board

Bruce Fisher is currently a member of the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. In his previous role as the Director of Financial Policy and Planning for Halifax Regional Municipality in Nova Scotia, Fisher was responsible for budgeting and strategic financial policy for the municipality – a $1 billion organization.
During his time with the municipality, he has served in a series of positions including Budget Coordinator, Senior Financial Consultant, Manager of Financial Planning and Acting Chief Financial Officer. He was heavily involved in many key policies affecting finances and the economy including budget, taxation, debt, reserves and low income assistance.
He has acted as an expert witness for the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board and has lectured for Dalhousie’s School of Public Administration. He also served as a volunteer with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, advising municipal governments in Sri Lanka and the Ukraine. Previously he was employed by the Federal Department of Industry in Ottawa and the Nova Scotia Department of Finance.
He is a graduate of the University of Kings College and Dalhousie University with a Masters of Public Administration (MPA). He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA CMA).