Women's Public Finance Network
2024–2025 Theme: "You are a Leader" (Skills, Self, Communication, and Collaboration)
Established in 1990, the Women's Public Finance Network (WPFN) is a voluntary association of women, elected and appointed officials, and other women finance professionals, formed within the GFOA of the United States and Canada. WPFN was originally formed to develop a core network of women GFOA members to coordinate communications and to encourage participation in GFOA and WPFN. The purpose of GFOA’s WPFN is to foster the careers of women in public finance through education, networking, and mentoring opportunities. WPFN is open to any active or associate GFOA member.
GFOA Staff Contacts:
- Emily S. Brock, Director, Federal Liaison Center (WPFN General Contact)
- Tami Garrett, Education Coordinator (Contact for the Education/Programming Committee)
- Natalie Laudadio, Senior Manager, Member Programs (Contact for the Communications Committee)
- LaKisha McCrary, Senior Manager, Consulting (Contact for the Mentorship Committee)

WPFN Membership Spotlight: Vicky Cao
Vicky Cao, CPA, CPFO, is finance manager for City of El Segundo, California
WPFN Registration
GFOA's WPFN is open to any active or associate GFOA member.
WPFN Mentorship Program
Mentorship is a valuable resource that helps with career advancement and professional success.
WPFN Officers
WPFN officers consist of a president, president elect, and vice president.
WPFN Strategic Plan and Goals
In June 2024 WPFN members approved a new five-year strategic plan, which was developed by WPFN Committee members and officers.
WPFN By-Laws
The WPFN By-Laws were revised in June of 2022.
WPFN Member Community
WPFN's Member Community is a place for members to get updates on WPFN activities, post discussions, share documents, and more.