Eligibility: Any active or associate GFOA member.
The mission of the GFOA LGBTQIA+ Caucus is to stand for the equitable representation and participation of LGBTQIA+ financial professionals in the financial management of governments in the United States and Canada. This mission will be accomplished by publicly highlighting the governmental contributions of LGBTQIA+ financial management professionals; educating the public and the financial management profession about LGBTQIA+ people; and advocating for the equality of opportunity for LGBTQIA+ financial management professionals to participate in and contribute to governments in the United States and Canada.
GFOA Staff Contacts:
LGBTQIA+ Member Spotlight
Austin Mason-Joyner is assistant finance director for the City of Dallas, Oregon.
LGBTQIA+ Caucus Registration
The LGBTQIA+ Caucus is open to any active or associate GFOA member.
LGBTQIA+ Caucus By-Laws
The LGBTQIA+ Caucus By-Laws were adopted on May 22, 2023, at GFOA's 117th Annual Conference.
Affinity Groups
GFOA facilitates nine affinity groups that meet periodically throughout the year. Groups include the Alliance for Smarter School Spending, Black Caucus of the GFOA, Community for Canadian Issues, LGBTQIA+ Caucus, Small Government Forum, Urban Forum, Utility Finance Forum, Women's Public Finance Network, and Young Professionals Network. Meetings are open to all GFOA members.
LGBTQIA+ Caucus Member Community
The LGBTQIA+ Caucus Member Community is a place for members to get updates on caucus activities, post discussions, share documents, and more.
GFOA's LGBTQIA+ Caucus: "Excited for What the Next Year Brings"
GFOA's LGBTQIA+ Caucus welcomes all members, whether you're a part of the LGBTQIA+ community or an ally. The Caucus works to foster an inclusive professional environment within public finance. Chair Jennifer Davis is passionate about public finance and plans to continue hosting virtual networking events to grow the Caucus. Secretary Tanner Coursey highlights creating a safe space to address challenges and make positive impacts on LGBTQIA+ Caucus members and the communities we serve.
LGBTQIA+ Caucus Leadership
Jennifer Davis, Chair
Assistant Finance Director, City of Lawrenceville, Georgia
Matt Lentz, Vice Chair
CFO, Esperanza, Pennsylvania
Tanner Coursey, Secretary
Senior Management Analyst, City of Arlington, Texas