Rob Dolphin, CPA
CFO, Utah Retirement Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah
Rob Dolphin is the Chief Financial Officer of Utah Retirement Systems. Utah Retirement Systems provides retirement and health insurance benefits exclusively for Utah’s public employees serving more than 250,000 members and 500 public employers, including the State of Utah, local governments, school districts, and higher education.
He oversees the work of 35 finance and accounting employees specializing in accounting, financial reporting, investment compliance, budgets, tax reporting, cash management, internal controls, accounts payable, and payroll. Rob has 30 years of extensive financial management leadership experience and is committed to fiscal responsibility and safeguarding interests of plan beneficiaries. Utah Retirement Systems has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for nearly 40 years. He has spearheaded numerous large-scale accounting and finance projects in many areas of defined benefit, defined contribution, and health insurance plans. These enhancements have increased efficiencies in cash collections, disbursements, and financial reporting. Rob has modernized the accounting functions to seamlessly report full GASB 68 pension footnote disclosures for all participating public pension plan employers, and many other GASB pronouncements.
Rob has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Utah State University and a Master of Business Administration degree. Rob served as President of the Public Pension Financial Forum (P2F2) and is a member of the Utah Government Finance Officers Association, Utah Association of CPAs, and the AICPA.