Norman Eckstein
Chief Financial Officer & Tax Collector, Township of Boonton, New Jersey

Norman Eckstein leads the professional development responsibilities for the Small Government Forum.
Norman has been providing valuable services to municipalities located in Morris and Passaic Counties in New Jersey since 1996. He has embraced the various functions performed in the municipal finance and tax collection offices. Furthermore, he served as a SHARE Chief Financial Officer for three communities in Morris County during a five-year period.
Norman holds professional certifications from the State of New Jersey in a wide variety of areas, including Certified Municipal Finance Officer, Certified Tax Collector, Qualified Purchasing Agent, and Registered Municipal Clerk. Additionally, he has a Master of Public Administration and a Certificate of Eligibility to become a School Business Administrator.
Norman has demonstrated success in the public finance academic arena. First, he was a co-author for an article on the Technical Skills and Leadership in the Public Financial Management Profession (Government Finance Review - October 2018). In addition, he has developed presentations on budgeting and accounting for in-person and online training events. Also, he has required his college students to submit assignments that utilize critical thinking for their analytical, financial, and managerial courses. For example, in his Economics for Public Administration course at Rutgers University – Newark, the students have determined whether the government has been successful in creating partnerships with sports venues, cultural centers, and business improvement districts.