Anthony Miceli
Senior Vice President, Speer Financial, Inc.

Anthony F. Miceli, Senior Vice President with Speer Financial, Inc. Mr. Miceli is a Certified Independent Public Municipal Advisor by the National Association of Municipal Advisors (NAMA) and is a Qualified Municipal Advisor Representative (Series 50) and Qualified Municipal Advisor Principal (Series 54) with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Mr. Miceli is graduate of North Central College with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in both Finance and Economics.
Mr. Miceli has worked as a municipal advisor with Speer Financial since 2013. Prior to joining Speer, he previously served as a Vice President in the public finance department of a Milwaukee, WI based investment banking and financial services firm. Mr. Miceli serves as municipal advisor to numerous counties, cities, villages, park districts, schools and other special districts throughout the state of Illinois.