Rebecca Olsen
Director, Office of Municipal Securities, SEC

Ms. Olsen is the Director of the SEC’s Office of Municipal Securities (OMS). Previously, she served in the roles of Acting Director, Deputy Director and Chief Counsel for the office. OMS is responsible for administering SEC rules pertaining to municipal securities brokers and dealers, municipal advisors, investors in municipal securities, and municipal issuers. OMS advises the Commission on policy matters relating to the municipal securities market and is responsible for policy development, coordination and implementation of Commission initiatives to improve the municipal securities market, as well as providing technical assistance to other SEC offices on wide array of municipal securities matters. OMS coordinates with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) on rulemaking and enforcement actions. OMS also acts as the Commission’s liaison to the MSRB, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Internal Revenue Service, a variety of investor and industry groups, and regulators on municipal securities issues.
Prior to joining the SEC, Ms. Olsen worked as a public finance attorney at the law firm of Ballard Spahr, LLP for over a decade where she served as underwriter’s counsel, bond counsel, lender’s counsel and borrower’s counsel on a wide variety of public debt offerings and private placements. Ms. Olsen has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Boston College, a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center and an LL.M in International Business Law from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.