Ron Holifield
CEO, Strategic Government Resource

Ron Holifield is CEO of SGR, which helps local governments recruit, assess, and develop servant leaders. Clients include over 700 local governments in 47 states, Ron has also provided strategic consultation to some of the leading companies in America, including American Express, Xerox, IBM, PeopleSoft, Verizon, Aramark, Space Imaging, NASA and many more.
He served two decades in City Management with six cities, ranging from 1,800 residents to over 200,000. Ron is a recognized leader in innovation and initiatives to run government using private business principles. While still active as a City Manager, “Texas Business Magazine” named DeSoto as one of the “10 Best Managed Cities in Texas”.
Ron’s weekly 10 in 10 Update on Servant Leadership has over 40,000 readers. His second book, 4th Dimension Leadership: a Radical Strategy for Creating an Authentic Servant Leadership Culture is available on Amazon and he is a contributor to the book Building Brands and Creating Cultures of Authentic Servant Leadership.