Lee Ann Shortland
Director of Finance, City of Westerville, Ohio

The City of Westerville is a full-service community providing responsive governmental services as well as electric, water, sewer, refuse and data center options. The City is rated as Aaa by both Moody’s and S&P (for 12 consecutive years).
Lee Ann has served the City for 24 years and in the current position as Director of Finance for the past 13 years. The City’s annual budget in 2023 is approximately $230 million across 52 funds. Five-year capital and financial plans are developed each year with all funds meeting a designated fiscal policy in all years of the plan.
In 2017, GFOA appointed Lee Ann to the Debt Standing Committee; she also served on the GFOA Transparency Task Force (2018) and acted as an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) reviewer for many years.