Ari J. Sky
Chief Financial Officer, City of New Bedford, Massachusetts

Ari J. Sky was appointed Chief Financial Officer for the City of New Bedford in 2013. A native of Portland, Maine, he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brandeis University and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the American University. Prior to joining New Bedford, Mr. Sky served as the Director of Management & Budget for Fauquier County, Virginia, the budget officer for Loudoun County, Virginia, and as the Borough Manager for Yeadon, Pennsylvania. He is currently a member of the Fiscal Policy Committee for the Massachusetts Municipal Association and a member of the executive board for the New England States Government Finance Association. He has also been a member of the national Government Finance Officers’ Association since 1997, having served as a member of the Committee on Governmental Budgeting & Fiscal Policy, the Committee on Retirement & Benefits Administration, and the Committee on Economic Development and Capital Planning.