Bill Sutter
Chief Financial Officer, Boulder Valley School District

Bill Sutter is the CFO of the Boulder Valley School District, in Boulder, Colorado. As the CFO, Bill is responsible for leading Accounting Services, Budget Services, Supply Chain Management, Student Enrollment, Grants, Benefits, Risk Management and the Community Schools Program. As a member of the BVSD legislative team, Bill helps to craft, monitor and influence proposed legislation affecting the Boulder school district, as well as districts across Colorado.
Bill received his M.B.A. from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a B.S. from the Paul College of Business at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. Bill regularly presents on school finance, operational and leadership topics at ASBO, GFOA and state conferences. Bill is a Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations (SFO) through ASBO International.
As a career public education administrator, Bill has served in multiple leadership roles within the Boulder Valley School District’s business operations since starting in 1994. Bill actively engages in support of Colorado public education through his state leadership roles as a Past President of the Colorado Association of School Business Officials and serving on the Colorado ASBO board since 2010 and currently as the ASBO International Immediate Past President. Bill also contributes to the improvement of public education as a member of the Colorado School Finance Project’s board of directors, a non-profit whose mission is to compile, collect and distribute research-based, non-partisan information and data on topics related to school finance for state and local policy makers.