Julie Zolghadr
Budget Division Manager, City of Springfield, IL

Julie Zolghadr has been a member of the budget staff for theCity of Springfield since 1989 and has served as the budget division managersince 1995. Her division oversees theactivities of 12 city agencies with a total annual budget of approximately $280Macross 40 funds.
The division reviews all spending documents, personneltransactions, pending legislation, and provides key support to the City’s laborrelations function through analyzing 23 collective bargaining economic requests.
Julie is a regular presenter for Illinois Government FinanceOfficers Association, Illinois Municipal League, Illinois Municipal ClerksAssociation, Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association, and the IllinoisAssociation of County Board Members. In July 2021 she moderated the publicbudgeting training for the national conference of Government Finance OfficersAssociation. She is an advocate of making budget information accessible to the public but easily understandable to all citizens.