Capital Planning and Asset Management
View resources below to get the most out of your capital resources.
Capital Planning and Infrastructure Best Practices
GFOA's Best Practices on capital planning cover capital asset management, strategies for establishing capital asset renewal and replacement reserve policies, and more.
Capital Planning and the DC Government
The municipal government of the District of Columbia (the “District”) is a leader in asset management and infrastructure renewal planning. This research explains the District’s approach through the lens of Financial Foundations for Thriving Communities.
Capital Planning and the DC Government
On this Financial Foundations podcast, GFOA's Shayne Kavanagh talks with Darryl Street, David Clark, and Richard Dietz from DC Government about their leadership in asset management and infrastructure renewal planning.
Capital Planning and the GFOA Financial Foundations Framework
The capital infrastructure built and maintained by local government is essential for a thriving community.However, the deficiencies in our communities’ infrastructure are well documented. A big part of the challenge is deciding how to allocate a limited budget between competing projects and interests.