Dashboard - Local Government Tax Revenue
Understanding where tax revenues come from is crucial to finance officers’ ability to forecast future revenues and budget effectively. The four state maps below contain two elements: (1) the color-coded * symbols – which are the same across all 4 state maps - represent the dominant type of local tax revenue collected out of income, property, sales, and utility tax revenue (see legend). (2) the shading of the individual maps represents the percentage of local general fund revenue made up by the four tax types above (hover over a given state to see what percentage of general revenue each of the local tax revenue types (income, property, sales, and utility) according to the map’s title.
Local Property Tax Revenue as a Pct (%) of General Revenue (2019)
Local Sales Tax Revenue as a Pct (%) of General Revenue (2019)
Local Income Tax Revenue as a Pct (%) of General Revenue (2019)
Local Utility Tax Revenue as a Pct (%) of General Revenue (2019)