Government Accounting Intensive Series
eLearning Course
July 21-24, 2020
11 a.m.-4 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Accounting – Governmental
- Credits: 14
Detailed Instructions on how to access the GFOA Learning Management System will be sent to all class participants prior to the first day of class.
Session 1 - The Government Environment and Fund Accounting
The Government Environment and its Impact
Funds and Fund Types
Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting
Session 2 - Governmental Fund Accounting
Categories of Events and Transactions
Governmental Fund Revenue Recognition
Governmental Fund Expenditures
Other Financing Sources and Uses
Session 3 - Governmental Fund Reporting
Financial Statement Elements
Governmental Fund Financial Statements
Session 4 - Proprietary Fund Accounting and Reporting
Enterprise Funds
Internal Service Funds
Proprietary Fund Financial Statements
Session 5 - Fiduciary Fund and Component Unit Accounting and Financial Reporting
Identifying Component Units
Fiduciary Activities
Fiduciary Fund Accounting
Fiduciary Fund Financial Statements
Component Unit Reporting
Session 6 - Government-wide Financial Reporting
Interfund Activity
Government-wide Financial Statements
Session 7 - Completing the Basic Financial Statements
Supplementary Information, and comprehensive annual financial reports
Note Disclosures
Budgetary Reporting
Required Supplementary Information
Overview of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Member Price: $249.00
- Non-member Price: $499.00