Special Recognition in Budget Presentation: Capital Program
October 14, 2022
Noon-1 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Finance
- Credits: 0.00
- Prerequisite: None.
The focus of this training will be on presentation of the capital program in your budget document and highlight recommendations from GFOA's best practice titled "Capital Budget Presentation" including how to communicate specific projects, capital planning policies, asset management policies, and budget monitoring practices. Examples budget documents submitted to GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award program that receive high marks from judges will be highlighted and speakers will provide recommendations for how you too can produce a budget document worthy of "special recognition." Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and get specific guidance on GFOA's award program and award program criteria.
Who Will Benefit: Budget Directors and Analysts
- Member Price: Free
- Non-member Price: Free