Preparing for an ERP Upgrade
November 16, 2023
1 p.m.-3 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Management Services
- Credits: 2.00
- Prerequisite: None.
It's unavoidable. Eventually your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution will require an upgrade. Although upgrade projects may seem painful, avoiding them will lead to an excruciating future. As a result of technology evolving into a ubiquitous business tool, applications as critical as ERP solutions should be maintained in similar fashion to other capital infrastructure.
This course is designed to teach stakeholders: 1) why upgrades are necessary; 2) how to determine if its better to upgrade or just replace your system; and 3) how to best approach the upgrade process. The session will discuss the often-overlooked benefits of system upgrades such as improving business processes and fixing configuration. The session will also identify key mistakes that governments have made in dealing with upgrades so that you can avoid them in your own government.
Who Will Benefit: All government staff involved with an ERP upgrade.
- Those who successfully complete this seminar should be able to:
- Identify the symptoms and risks of an outdated ERP solutions
- Define an approach whether to upgrade or replace their current ERP solution
- Identify risk points in their current software license and software contract
- Identify in-house capacity to upgrade
- Identify tasks that are best suited for an outside contractor
- Identify key components in an upgrade scope of work
- Plan and budget for an upgrade
- Understand how the “cloud” is changing the upgrade experience
- Ensure your organization is ready to undertake the upgrade
- Mitigate common mistakes with ERP upgrade projects
- Member Price: $85.00
- Non-member Price: $160.00