Putting Public Assets to Work Incubator Program – Overview and How to Join
May 2, 2022
Noon-1 p.m. ET
- Credits: 0.00
GFOA, in partnership with Former Congressman and GFOA Research Fellow Ben McAdams, the Sorenson Impact Center, and Urban 3, with support from Schmidt Futures and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is launching the Putting Public Assets to Work Incubator. Under different names, the idea is the same: local governments dust off underutilized assets (like dormant parking lots), work alongside private and philanthropic partners to make those assets revenue-generating while government retains ownership, and a portion of the money comes back to the community in the form of concrete benefits like new neighborhood playgrounds, homelessness initiatives, or filled potholes. Taxes aren't raised on a single person. We're looking for governments to join the Incubator to help them figure out if, and how, they can do this. Join this webinar to learn more about the opportunity.
- Member Price: Free
- Non-member Price: Free