For Position 1
Clae Hack, CPA, MPACC, Chief Financial Officer, City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Clae Hack has been a GFOA member for ten years. Hack has served on GFOA’s Committee on Canadian Issues and the Online Transparency Taskforce. In his current role, he worked to develop a comprehensive major capital prioritization process and worked as a steering Committee member and Project Sponsor on the City’s ERP implementation and related improvement projects. He continues to play a key role in working with the City’s Supply Chain Management team in enhancing Saskatoon's indigenous and social procurement strategy as well as leading the City’s multi-year budget process. His goals for GFOA emphasize the importance of peer networking and the enhancement of best practices to address current challenges in local government.
Clae also participated in the Q&A feature for GFR in April 2024. For more information, please visit