GFOA Documents
New President, President-Elect, Executive Board Members of Government Finance Officers Association for 2022–2025
Download Full ReleaseTerri Velasquez, CPFO, Director of Finance, City of Aurora, Aurora, Colorado, became the 2022–2023 president of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) during the annual business meeting of its 116th Annual Conference, June 5–8, 2022, in Austin, Texas. She has been on GFOA’s Executive Board since 2018 and has served as the Association’s 2021–2022 president-elect. Velasquez is the current chair of the GFOA Executive Board DEI Committee. Also at the business meeting, the Association’s members elected a new GFOA president-elect and five new members of the Association’s Executive Board.
- Publication date: June 2022