Debt Management

Resource Document: Identify Resiliency and Emergency Response Strategies

  • After environmental risks have been identified, determine what strategies have been put in place to adapt to, mitigate or respond to the primary risks in your area. This may include things such as emergency management planning, land use ordinances, building codes, storm water retention, regulatory requirements, or infrastructure projects. The description of adaptation and mitigation strategies will depend on the primary risks applicable to your area.
  • Resiliency strategies may be detailed in reports, integrated into existing planning tools and land use ordinances, or consist of physical improvements or plans for improvements. If these plans are routinely updated, make note of the frequency of updates so information can be kept current and analysts and investors understand when to expect updates. Any information regarding implementation plans and goals should be included so progress can be monitored.
  • Response plans should be available through local emergency managers. It is important to note if your government has an emergency response plan that has been practiced or tested. If so, this should be noted as evidence of the plan’s efficacy and effectiveness.
  • If possible, quantify how the adaptation, mitigation or response efforts have reduced the jurisdiction’s risks, or provide data or examples that evidence the success of these efforts.
  • There are currently no standardized, quantitative metrics for environmental disclosure. It is not necessary to engage experts or third-party vendors to develop metrics or measure risks unless this information is useful to your government in planning for how to best address climate change and environmental risks.