Unleashing the Power of Partnership with the NIGP

Cross-pollinating Ideas

Given the close working relationship between public procurement and public finance professionals, GFOA and NIGP have enjoyed a longstanding strategic partnership that seeks to bring our members together. This year, we have redoubled that effort to further strengthen the bonds between our two great organizations by making more intentional efforts to cross-pollinate ideas and promote the work and resources of each organization across our membership bases.

What does this mean for you?

Access to more professional development opportunities, more information at your fingertips such as research reports and best practices, and finally, the ability to expand your network. Every day, in any given agency, public procurement and public finance professionals partner together on projects large and small. While the contribution each function makes is unique, the partnership is critical to the success of each project.

For GFOA Members

We begin by placing a spotlight on the NIGP best practices, which provide useful, applicable, and timely guidance based on collaborative efforts with content experts, and keep you up-to-date with advances in definitions, concepts, and the optimal ways to manage procurements. Whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned professional, the guidance provided offers new insights and clarity on public procurement topics. To learn more, visit the NIGP WEBSITE.

For NIGP Members

We begin by placing a spotlight on the GFOA best practices, which identify specific policies and procedures that contribute to improved government management. The aim of these practices is to promote and facilitate positive change or recognize excellence rather than merely to codify current accepted practice. To learn more, visit the GFOA WEBSITE.