White House Releases Guidebook on Inflation Reduction Act

On December 15, the White House released Building a Clean Energy Economy: A Guidebook to the Inflation Reduction Act’s Investments in Clean Energy and Climate Action. The Guidebook includes information about funds to advance and deploy American-made clean energy technologies, to protect communities from harmful air pollution, to make homes and buildings cleaner and more efficient, to invest in a sustainable, lower-carbon Federal Government, to harness nature-based solutions and climate-smart agriculture, to increase the resilience of communities, and to make permitting of energy infrastructure more efficient and effective.

Each chapter in the Guidebook covers the relevant programs, awarding agencies, funding amounts, and tax codes.

We will keep you updated as more information comes out, and you can find the Guidebook here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook.pdf