Matthew Lentz
Chief Financial Officer, Esperanza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Matthew M. Lentz is the Chief Financial Officer for Esperanza. He is an alumnus of the Warton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lentz holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree from the University of Pittsburgh and is a Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations (SFO®) and a Pennsylvania Certified School Business Administrator (PCSBA).
Mr. Lentz previously worked as a Chief Financial Officer, Director of Business Affairs and Assistant Superintendent for twenty years in Pennsylvania. Mr. Lentz is a past member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Administrators (PASBO). He is a former Chair of the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) and was a member of the Executive Board for the Government Finance Officers Association from 2019-2022.
From 2012-2014 Mr. Lentz was the President of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Schools Trust, a$165 million Section 115 tax-exempt benefits trust which he was a founding member, leading the design and development of the trust to provide cost-effective health, wellness, and benefits programs. He currently continues in the role of trustee.
Mr. Lentz served as the President of the Board of the School Districts Insurance Consortium, where he currently serves as President and as a member of the Montgomery County Tax Collection Commission. He is the Treasurer of Freedom Credit Union, which holds over $1.1 billion in assets.
During his twenty-year career, Mr. Lentz has optimized and turned around financial and operational functions to support improved student outcomes and ensure prudent financial management. He is dedicated to self and team improvement to improve workflow, ensure accountability, and improve and grow members of the team to better serve the organization.
Recognizing the need for educational programs to grow and develop, he has implemented initiatives including a school business partnership, fundraising campaign, collaboration with outside school entities and organizations both public and private.