Michele Mark Levine
Director, Technical Services

Michele Mark Levine serves as the Director of GFOA's Technical Services Center. (TSC) Prior to joining GFOA, Michele served as Deputy Comptroller for Accountancy and Chief Accountant of the City of New York, where she oversaw the City’s accounting and financial reporting, including the preparation of Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports which have consistently been awarded GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Under Michele’s leadership, the City issued its first Popular Annual Financial Reports (PAFR), which also received GFOA’s awards. Michele’s previous positions include serving as the Director of Accounting Services of the New York City Office of Management and Budget, Comptroller of seven City-related public authorities and local development corporations, and on the audit staff of Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers).
Michele was graduated Summa Cum Laude by the State University of New York at Binghamton, and holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Maxwell School of Public Administration at Syracuse University. Her professional activities include having been a member and past chairperson of GFOA’s Committee on Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting, past president of the New York State GFOA, service in technical and leadership positions within the American Institute of CPAs and the New York State Society of CPAs, and membership on the Editorial Board of the CPA Journal. She has also served on numerous taskforces of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Michele was honored to have been named the 2011 Outstanding CPA in Government by the New York State Society of CPAs.
Chicago Office
203 N. LaSalle St Suite 2700Chicago, IL 60601
Direct: (312) 917-6101