Tami Robison
Finance Director, Geary County, Kansas

Tami Robison began her accounting career at a public accounting firm in Northcentral Kansas. She has 12 years of experience in auditing and taxes, three years in a supervisory accounting position in the private sector and 8 years in government Finance. Tami is currently the first Finance Director at Geary County where she manages all budget and finance matters and serves as a financial resource for the Board of County Commissioners, the Public Building Commission and Department Heads. She trains management and employees on financial aspects of jobs and ensures departments, employees, vendors, and community partners comply with County policies and procedures related to budget and finance.
Previously, Tami served as Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President and is currently serving as President for the Kansas Government Financial Officers Association (KSGFOA). In September 2021, she was appointed to a three-year term for GFOA’s Committee on Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting. Tami’s auditing background served her in restructuring the County’s budget and saving the taxpayers over $1M in her first year in her current position. She put together a financial plan for deferred maintenance on the hospital that would not increase county taxes yet allowed a partnership with Stormont Vail to keep the hospital open. She created a cash reserve policy for the County and is currently working on a financial policy while updating the procurement policy and purchase card program. Accounts Payable and Payroll/Human Resources are now under her direction. This position allows Tami to collaborate with her team to provide quality public services that preserve the past, protect the present, and enhance the health, safety, and general well-being of the citizens both today and in the future.