Buyer's Guide - Software

Firms listed below provide software solutions to state and local government. Firms are categorized based on the type of software provided. Categories include:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
  • Human Resource and Payroll Systems
  • Budget and Business Intelligence Systems
  • Utility Billing Systems
  • Transparency / Reporting Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

ERP Systems provide integrated functionality to manage an organization's financial administration functions. Supported business processes would include accounting, project accounting, procurement, parables, asset management, treasury, receivables, and more. Many ERP systems also contain integrated modules for human resources, payroll, and other administrative functions.

Human Resources / Payroll Systems

Vendors listed below provide products that specialize in human resource, time-entry, and payroll functions. Many ERP vendors listed above also provide this functionality as part of a larger integrated system.

Budget and Business Intelligence Systems

Vendors listed below provide "best-of-breed" products that specialize in budget preparation, forecasting, and analytics. Many ERP vendors listed above also provide this functionality as part of a larger integrated system.

Utility Billing Systems

Vendors listed below provide "best-of-breed" products that specialize in utility billing, meter management, and other software related to utility services.

Procurement and Contract Management Systems

Vendors listed below provide "best-of-breed" products that specialize in procurement, RFP management, and contract management.

Transparency / Financial Reporting Software

Vendors listed below provide "best-of-breed" products that specialize in financial reporting and can be used with leading ERP systems.