
Comprehensive General-Purpose Checklist

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 98, The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, in October, 2021. Statement No. 98 replaces the term "comprehensive annual financial report" and its acronym with the new term "annual comprehensive financial report" and its acronym, ACFR. Statement No. 98 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021, with earlier implementation encouraged. The report checklists have been updated to reflect the new term and acronym. GFOA encourages governments to early implement the new term "annual comprehensive financial report" and its acronym, ACFR.

This comprehensive general-purpose checklist includes questions that are applicable to general-purpose governments, school districts and stand-alone business-type activity governments. GFOA no longer expects to maintain specialized checklists for school districts and stand-alone business-type activities, being that a majority of the requirements for both are already contained in the comprehensive general-purpose government checklist. The comprehensive general-purpose government checklist now contains a column indicating if a checklist question is specific to a school district (labeled as “school”) or to a stand-alone business-type activity (labeled as “BTA”).