Federal Advocacy

Federal Funds Fair

eLearning Course

March 6, 2024

1-4 p.m. ET

March 7, 2024

1-4 p.m. ET

March 8, 2024

1-4 p.m. ET

  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Credits: 9.00
  • Prerequisite: None

The Federal Funds Fair is an opportunity for members and interested finance professionals to learn about federal grants available to state and local governments. Hosted by speakers from federal agencies issuing state and local grants, attendees will get the chance to become familiar with different federal grant programs that could benefit their communities.

  • Member Price: $150
  • Associate Member Price: $280
  • Non-Member Price: $560

Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Controller, Accountant, Budget Manager & Analyst, Treasurer, Dept Director

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn about federal funding streams that could benefit their communities
  • Understand the process of how to apply for federal grant programs
  • Gain additional information through a Q&A with the federal agency following the presentation
