Fundamentals of Preparing a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
eLearning Course
February 16, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
February 18, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
February 23, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
February 25, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
March 2, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
March 4, 2021
1-3 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
- Credits: 12.00
- Prerequisite: Accounting and financial reporting professionals with at least two years of experience or equivalent
The program is designed to familiarize participants with the format and contents of an annual comprehensive financial report prepared in accordance with GAAP and GFOA’s Certificate award program criteria. Attendees will examine in detail each section in order to understand the required format and necessary information to be included in each. Each training module/day will focus on specific sections of the annual comprehensive financial report and feature both presentation and interactive discussion/exercises.
- Day 1: February 16 - Snapshot of GASB Codification; elements of an annual comprehensive financial report; elements of the introductory section, including the contents of a letter of transmittal; overview of the financial section; comprehensive annual financial statement audit; and management’s discussion and analysis
- Day 2: February 18 - Overview of basic financial statements including note disclosures; structure of the basic financial statements; presentation of component units; major fund and fund-type reporting; and governmental fund financial statements, including the budgetary statement and reconciliations
- Day 3: February 23 - Proprietary fund financial statements and fiduciary fund financial statements
- Day 4: February 25 - Combining statements and schedules, supplementary reporting, and government-wide statements
- Day 5: March 2 - Summary of significant accounting policies (SSAP) and detailed financial statement note disclosures
- Day 6: March 4 - Required supplementary information (RSI) and the statistical section
Who Will Benefit: CFO Finance Director, Controller, Accountant
- Identify the three basic sections of an annual comprehensive financial report and the essential components of each,
- Differentiate basic financial statements, required supplementary information, and other supplementary information within an annual comprehensive financial report,
- Identify the appropriate elements of a letter of transmittal,
- Identify the appropriate elements to include in management’s discussion and analysis,
- Format each of the basic financial statements,
- Classify data in each of the basic financial statements,
- Properly apply commonly misunderstood note disclosure requirements,
- Prepare required supplementary information,
- Format combining and individual fund statements, and
- Prepare required statistical presentations.
- Member Price: $420.00
- Non-member Price: $840.00