Capital Planning and Asset Management, Leadership, Ethics, and Trust

Elected Officials Guide: Debt & Capital Planning


March 25, 2021

Noon-1:15 p.m. ET

  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Credits: 1.50
  • Prerequisite: None
  • Status: This event has availability.

Designing and implementing an effective plan for managing capital resources is critical for building thriving communities. Elected officials are tasked with understanding their community's capital resources over multiple time lines, making the details behind effective capital management all the more challenging. Smart management of capital resources is essential for any community, but there's even more to be gained through the efforts and collaboration behind great fiscal management. Strong collaboration on capital investment projects between public leaders and finance officers presents an opportunity for community growth. Sharing perspectives strengthens communication and reinforces partnerships across departments. This event features a dual presentation by a former elected official and current GFOA standing committee member, highlighting their perspectives over the same capital project.

Please note: this webinar will be limited to 1,000 participants.

Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Debt Manager, Budget Manager & Analyst, Treasurer, Elected Officials

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand difference in perspectives between finance staff and elected officials through context of project development
  • Identify opportunities for organizational growth; use collaborations to strengthen communication and build trust
  • Improve outcomes of future projects by building on effective partnerships
  • Review fundamentals of capital planning & debt

  • Member Price: Free
  • Non-member Price: $105.00