Risk Assessment
Managing Risk in Revenue Forecasts: Applying Probabilistic Thinking with Excel Part 3: Mindles Model
December 7, 2020
3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. ET
- Field of Study: Finance
- Credits: 1.00
- Prerequisite: understanding of excel
- Status: This event has availability.
In Parts 1 and 2, attendees learned the “5 Mindles” for thinking about risk. In Part 3 we will discuss the practical application of Mindles and the revenue forecasting risk model. This will include comparing uncertain revenues to expenditure plans and discussing real-life concerns raised by participants in the course.
Please note: this webinar is limited to 100 participants.
Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Budget Manager, Budget Analyst/Controller/Accountant/Treasurer/Debt Manager
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the 5 Mindles in risks associated with revenue forecasting
- Recognize the implications of probabilistic versus “average” revenue forecasts for balancing your budget
- Discuss real-life questions, challenges, and successes with presenting uncertainty
- Discuss data needed for improving the revenue forecasting risk model
- Member Price: $35.00
- Non-member Price: $50.00