Risk Assessment

Managing Risk in Revenue Forecasts: Applying Probabilistic Thinking with Excel Part 4: Decision Making


December 15, 2020

2 p.m.-3 p.m. ET

  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Credits: 1.00
  • Prerequisite: understanding of excel
  • Status: This event has availability.

Part 4 of the course will focus on two main topics. The first topic is how to use the model in decision making. This concerns your governing board’s attitude towards risk and how to frame trade-offs between competing goals. The second topic covers the data and technology needed for the risk analysis. We will review the data participants have collected, see how the data can be used in complete “libraries” that feed a risk model, and show how to create a library. At the end of the course, attendees will be prepared to participate in adding data to the risk model used in this course and to start conversations in their organizations about risk in forecasting.

Please note: this webinar is limited to 100 participants.

Who Will Benefit: CFO/Finance Director, Budget Manager, Budget Analyst/Controller/Accountant/Treasurer/Debt Manager

Learning Objectives:
  • Discuss risk attitudes with their governing boards and how to make trade-offs between competing goals
  • Review data that attendee have gathered and see how that data can be used in the risk model
  • Leave prepared to participate in creating a library of forecast accuracy that can feed the model that attendees used as part of the course

  • Member Price: $35.00
  • Non-member Price: $50.00