Budgeting and Forecasting, Federal Advocacy
Overview of Grants Management
In-Person Training
July 24, 2024
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CT
July 25, 2024
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CT
GFOA Training Center203 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2700
Chicago, Illinois
- Field of Study: Finance
- Credits: 16
- Prerequisite: None
- Status: This event has availability.
Grants offer local governments opportunities to address community priorities that might otherwise go unmet, but they often come with significant challenges and risks that local governments need to be aware of. This course will walk through the grant lifecycle from pre-application to closeout and will provide the information you need to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure your organization manages its grants effectively. We will also discuss strategies for identifying grants and provide guidance on the latest federal funding opportunities.
Who Will Benefit: Local government employees involved with grants management.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the grant lifecycle, from pre-application to closeout
- Differentiate between types of grants (e.g., private vs. federal vs. state, one-time vs. on-going, competitive vs. entitlement, expenditure-driven vs. purpose-restricted)
- Understand requirements associated with federal grants
- Identify the essential components of a grant policy
- Identify effective pre-application procedures, including researching grant opportunities and developing a strong grant application
- Understand the importance of cross-departmental collaboration in effective grants management
- Understand how to budget for grants and how to track them in your financial system
- Understand how to account for and report grants in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
- Identify procedures for closing out a grant
- Learn about the latest federal grant opportunities
- Member Price: $705.00
- Non-member Price: $960.00