Accounting and Financial Reporting, Procurement

Overview of Federal Grant Compliance


May 20, 2023

Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard
Portland, Oregon

  • Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
  • Credits: 4.00
  • Prerequisite: None

Session Materials:

Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm PT

During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all governments had the opportunity to receive federal funding, some as direct recipients, some as subrecipients. While this funding has provided new opportunities that will bring significant benefits to the organization or community, the guidance and compliance requirements for audit and for reporting to the federal agency have added a level of complexity to financial reporting for many local governments for the first time. This session will provide an overview of major first-time and first of its kind federal grant programs such as the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). It will also identify ongoing grants with reporting requirements and explore the accounting, audit, procurement, and reporting requirements to which recipients must adhere.

  • Member Price: $195.00
  • Non-member Price: $260.00
Learning Objectives:
  • Those completing this seminar should be able to:
  • Recognize the types of grants encountered in the local government environment
  • Identify the sources of requirements governing U.S. federal financial assistance for state and local governments, including grant agreements and Uniform Guidance (UG)
  • Identify procurement practices that may apply to your government
  • Understand the Federal Funds Single Audit process
