Annual Governmental GAAP Update Topics

GFOA's 2024 Governmental GAAP Update is the premier online governmental accounting event of the year. Below are important topics being covered during the November 14 program and the December 5 encore.

Highlights of the 2024 Governmental GAAP Update

  • Get last-minute pointers on standards being implemented now, including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences
  • Be prepared for upcoming implementations of new GASB Statements, including: GASB 102, Certain Risk Disclosures GASB 103, Financial Reporting Model Improvements GASB 104, Classification of Nonfinancial Assets [anticipated]
  • Learn about the [anticipated] Preliminary Views document on Infrastructure Assets on which you can provide comments to GASB
  • Get updates about other ongoing GASB standard-setting projects, including several with due process documents expected to be issued in late 2024: Going Concern/Severe Financial Stress Subsequent Events Implementation Guidance Update for 2025
  • Be prepared for your upcoming federal funds and financial statement audits

Key Learning Objectives

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November 14 Registration

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December 5 Encore Registration

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GAAP Update Homepage

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