Senate HSGAC to Convene Hearing on Federal Financial Assistance
On Tuesday May 2, 2023 the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) will convene a hearing titled Improving Access to Federal Grants for Underserved Communities. The hearing is intended to take a broad look at grants guidance for federal agencies, with a particular focus on matters that impact grant seekers/applicants. Some of the matters include, among others, finding relevant funding opportunities, the lack of capacity to either apply or manage compliance, technical difficulties with either the application or compliance process, and the difficulty receiving technical assistance.
This hearing appears to be one piece of a larger effort to find ways to improve the overall federal grants process. GFOA members are encouraged to submit statements for the record. Information on how to do that will generally be posted on the hearing page. GFOA is also seeking member feedback as we engage Congress throughout this larger effort. You can submit your thoughts on improving the federal funds process here.