Debt Management

Bonds 101 For Small Government Finance Officials


June 8, 2023

3 p.m.-4 p.m. ET

  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Credits: 1.00
  • Prerequisite: None

Periodically, government entities will need to authorize and issue debt for projects. In this session, we will discuss the basics for issuing debt for a unit of local government. During the entire debt issue process, finance officers will constantly communicate with various professionals, including bond counsels, municipal advisors, underwriters, and the rating agencies. Specifically, finance officers will be advised on how to structure the debt payments. In addition, these professionals will assist the finance officers in achieving the best credit rating possible. Such ratings will be beneficial when the bonds are sold by the government entity. Since the macroeconomic environment is constantly changing, government finance officers will always benefit from future learning opportunities related to issuing debt.

Who Will Benefit: Managers and Analysts, Senior Leadership

Learning Objectives:
  • List and describe the participants in a bond issuance.
  • Determine the timeline for the bond process.
  • Develop strategies for telling your story to the rating agencies.
  • Compare and contrast the different methods for selling bonds and why an entity may choose a particular method.

  • Member Price: Free
  • Non-member Price: $70.00