Accounting and Financial Reporting

Government-wide Financial Statements, and Conversions and Consolidations

Course Overview


Government-wide Financial Statements, and Conversions and Consolidations




Accounting and financial reporting professionals with at least two years of governmental accounting experience, and an understanding of public-sector basic financial statements.

Field of Study

Accounting (Governmental)





This seminar will furnish participants with the basic information needed to prepare the government-wide financial statements, and the necessary journal entries to convert and consolidate fund financial statements to the government-wide financial statements.

Learning Objectives

Those who successfully complete this seminar should obtain a solid understanding of each of the following:

  • Distinguish the measurement focus and basis of accounting used for government-wide financial statements. 
  • Identify the essential elements and format for the government-wide statement of net position, and the government-wide statement of activities.
  • Perform the necessary conversion and consolidation journal entries to convert fund data to the government-wide financial statements, allocate direct costs, and disallocate indirect costs.