2024 MiniMuni Sponsorship Opportunities

Free for GFOA members, the 6th Annual MiniMuni Conference attracts over 1,500 participants online including policy makers, debt administrators, and finance managers from cities, states, counties, and subdivisions. This virtual event provides a unique opportunity for attendees to interface with municipal issuers. Participants can expect to hear about debt disclosure hot topics, technology in reporting, Congressional and administrative activity in the municipal bond market, issuer concerns, and more.

As a conference sponsor, the following opportunities connect you with GFOA members and event participants.

Sponsorship Levels











Benefits of Sponsorship




  • One minute speaking slot during a MiniMuni program break
  • Company name recognition in weekly GFOA member newsletter, with website hyperlink, for two weeks pre-event and one week post-event
  • Company will be recognized at GFOA's 2025 Annual Conference in Washington, DC
  • Company logo will appear on sponsor recognition slide during MiniMuni program breaks
  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear on MiniMuni Conference page of GFOA website


  • Opportunity to provide thirty-second video, to be played during a MiniMuni program break
  • Company name recognition in weekly GFOA member newsletter, with website hyperlink, for two weeks pre-event and one week post-event
  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear in post-event attendee email
  • Company logo will appear on sponsor recognition slide during MiniMuni program breaks
  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear on MiniMuni Conference page of GFOA website


  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear in post-event attendee email
  • Company logo will appear on sponsor recognition slide during MiniMuni program breaks
  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear on MiniMuni Conference page of GFOA website


  • Company logo will appear on sponsor recognition slide during MiniMuni program breaks
  • Company logo, with hyperlink, will appear on MiniMuni Conference page of GFOA website

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