Doing Your Homework: Due Diligence for Financial Services Providers

Governments hold funds, short- and long-term, in a variety of financial institutions, including, but not limited to, depository banks and investment houses. When contracting for firms to hold public funds, governments should have a process for monitoring the financial standing of these entities, both at the start of and throughout the contract of services. GFOA’s new Best Practice, Due Diligence on Banks and Financial Services Providers, provides governments with an outline of considerations that should be addressed during this diligence process. Expert speakers will discuss these matters in an effort to help governments reduce the risk of financial losses, reputational damage, and other potential issues with their financial services providers.


John M. Globensky

John M. Globensky

City Treasurer, City of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Matt Hastedt

Matt Hastedt

City Treasurer, City of Charlotte, North Carolina

Stefan Jaskulak

Stefan Jaskulak

CFO, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Los Altos, CA

Barbara Whitehorn

Barbara Whitehorn

Director of Finance & Management Services, City of San Bernardino, California