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Teamwork and collaboration can be difficult to describe, but you know it when you see it. For the past two years, GFOA has seen it in our members and documented great examples in Government Finance Review. Attend this session to discuss in an interactive discussion based format how leading finance officers and their teams have discovered the benefits of having a strong team culture.


Susan Grant

Susan Grant

Director of Finance, City of Fort Lauderdale, FL

Christina Cintron

Accounting Manager, San Bernardino County, CA

Jayson Eaton

Jayson Eaton

Accounting Manager, SBCERA

Amy McInerny

Amy McInerny

Chief Financial Officer, SBCERA, San Bernardino, California

Adam Zink

Adam Zink

Assistant Treasurer, Lakota LSD, Liberty Township, OH

Debby Cherney

Debby Cherney

Chief Executive Officer, San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association, California

Laura Reece

Laura Reece

Director Office of Management and Budget, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Katherine Barrett

Katherine Barrett

Principal, Barrett and Green, Inc.